Light Within

A Windmill of My Thoughts

Change any Habit Easily – 8 Week’s Program

For most of us making a new habit is a daunting task. We are helpless in engraving a new habit. If this is you, don’t worry, this 8 week program is for you. The following 6 step methodology will assist you in changing a habit an easy way:
  1. Focus on one most important habit you want to adopt.
  2. Commit publicly that you have committed to make a new habit.
  3. Split the complete habit change into six baby steps. Start with the first baby step. Example: if you want to start a 30 minutes exercise program, start with 5 minute duration.
  4. Select a trigger for your habit. A trigger is something already in your routine that will immediately precede the desired habit. Examples: brushing your teeth, waking up, arriving at the office, leaving the office, getting home in the evening etc.
  5. For one week, do the first baby step, right after the trigger. Publicly announce your progress.
  6. Move slowly to a slightly harder step. You’ll want to progress faster, but don’t. You’re building a new habit. Repeat this until you’ve done 8 weeks.
You now have a new habit! Commit to next habit and repeat the process.


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