Light Within

A Windmill of My Thoughts

Reboot Your Life

There’s never a good time than a New Year’s eve to sit down and think about what you want to accomplish in life. It is true that we have busy lives, and even when we’re not busy, we tend to enjoy our spare time by watching TV or checking our feeds than thinking about the mess we have created in our lives.
If you have not given it a thought, do it now. It could hardly take more than 10 or 20 minutes of your day. Believe me, it’s not that hard. Just follow these steps:
  1. Imagine, you are dying. What would you like to have accomplished in your life? Whatever, is your answer try to live your life so that you achieve your desired accomplishments.
  2. Now brainstorm to note down your life goals, which you want to achieve before you die. After you have noted down goals, have a look at them. Do you want to refine the list further or you want to expand it, it is your decision and follow your intuition.
  3. Next step is to classify your goals in to categories: professional, financial, education, family, spiritual, travel, recreation, hobbies, community, and charity. It is not a must to have goals in all these categories.
  4. Think about your goals and break them down. What should you achieve in next 10 years for each of these goals? What about 5 years, 1 year or even in this month? This step will get you on a solid plan.
  5. Remember action step is the most important of all. Whatever, you have planned for this month, ensure you do it.
Take a step towards your dreams today by writing them down, and making a plan.


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